Unit-3, Lesson-4- Fitness

  1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

(a) What does the word ‘awareness’ mean in the line 01?

(i) ignorance     (ii) disregard  (iii) unconsciousness      (iv) consciousness

(b)  The word ‘harmony’ means

(i) discord         (ii) cacophony             (iii) hatred                 (iv) tranquility

(c) The word ‘concentration’ is synonymous with—-

(i) division         (ii).  parting             (iii) attention                     (iv) dispersal

(d)  What is meditation?

(i) The act of thinking deeply              (ii) The act of thinking calmly

(iii) remain in a state of high awareness            (iv) all the above

(e)   Fitness is an approach to training ——-

(i) the mind                            (ii) the body                (iii) twelve         (iv) thirteen

(f) What is a common approach to meditation?

(i) concentration              (ii) harmony          (iii) creativity          (iv) tolerance

(g) Focusing the mind is- (i) challenging      (ii) easy    (iii) simple    (iv) impossible

(h)  Meditation releases-(i) energy    (ii) power    (iii) stamina     (iv) anxiety

  1. Answer the following questions:

 (a) What do you understand by meditation?

Answer: Meditation means the act of thinking deeply and calmly about something in a heightened awareness. It is an approach to train up the mind and the body that releases anxiety and brings a state of calmness.

(b) How can a person develop concentration?

Answer: A person can develop concentration by focusing on a single point.

(c) What is the last outcome of mediation according to the passage?

Answer: According to the passage, the last outcome of meditation is the improvement of creativity, self-awareness, and tolerance.

(d) What are the outcomes of meditation?

Answer: The outcomes of meditation are many. It releases anxiety, brings a state of calmness, increases blood circulation, and so on.

(e) What is the difference between meditation and fitness?

Answer: Meditation is an approach to train up the mind, and fitness in a way to train up the body.            

2. Read the following text and make a flow chart showing the advantages of practicing meditation. (No. 1 has been done for you)  (The act of thinking …………self-awareness and tolerance.)

  1. Releasing anxiety
  2. Bringing a state of calmness
  3. Increasing thinking ability
  4. Improving creativity
  5. Improving self-awareness
  6. Improving tolerance

3. Summarize the passage.  (The act of thinking …………self-awareness and tolerance.)

Answer: Meditation means the act of thinking deeply and calmly about something with a heightened awareness. It is an approach to training the mind and the body. It releases anxiety, brings a state of calmness, increases blood circulation, and so on. It also increases creativity, self-awareness, and tolerance. So, the importance of meditation is very great.




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