Unit-6, Lesson-1: The Storm and Stress of Adolescence

  1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

(a)  What does the phrase ‘life span’ mean in the passage?

(i) The birth of a person                                (ii) The way a person leads his/ her life

(iii) the daily routine of a person      (iv) the length of time for which a person, animal or thing exists

(b) ‘Infancy’ in the text could be best replaced by———

(i) early childhood                                        (ii) a period from birth to age two

(iii) boyhood period                                     (iv) childhood

(c) What does ‘adolescence’ mean?

(i) the period of life when a child develops into an adult          (ii).  grown-up

(iii) when a child develops into an adult                                   (iv) struggle

(d) ‘puberty’ is synonymous with ———–

(i) adolescence                 (ii) old                  (iii) youth            (iv) infancy

(e)  Adolescence usually starts at the age of ——-

(i) eight                             (ii) nine                (iii) twelve         (iv) thirteen

(f) Some children try to act ——-than their years.

(i) old            (ii) young            (iii) older             (iv) younger

(g)  Adolescents ——-many problems when they become adults.

(i) ignore                           (ii) face               (iii) solve             (iv) produce

(h)  Puberty is a———–period in a person’s life.

(i) good           (ii) critical         (iii) well                 (iv) simple

(i)  Which of the following words means the process of changing from one state to another?

(i) destination       (ii) representation      (iii) procession       (iv) transition

(j)  Sharlin is 15 years old. She is an/a

(i) child               (ii) adult                  (iii) adolescent        (iv) woman

  1. Answer the following questions:

 (a) Define adolescence in your own words?

Answer: The period of life from age 13 to 18 years is considered adolescence. It is the period in human growth and development that occurs after childhood and before adulthood. This phase represents one of the critical transitions in one’s life span.

(b) What are some of the potential health risks faced by adolescents?

Answer: Some of the potential health risks faced by adolescents are pressure to use drugs and to initiate sexual relationships putting themselves at high risk for injuries unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

(c) What role can the society and community play in promoting adolescents?

Answer: The role that the society and community play in promoting adolescents is to teach the adolescents a wide range of skills needed to cope with the pressure they face.

(d) Who are considered adults and why?

Answer: Persons of age 18 and over are considered adults in our society. They are considered adults as they are fully grown person and legally responsible for their actions.

(e) What factors are responsible for the change of adolescent period over the past century?

Answer: The factors those are responsible for the changes of adolescent period over the past century are education, urbanization and spread of global communication.               

  1. Read the following text and make a flow chart showing the key developments during the time of adolescence. (No. 1 has been done for you)

(The time of adolescence ………………………………………………….exert powerful influences.)

  1. Physical maturation
  2. Sexual maturation
  3. Social and economic independence
  4. development of identity
  5. Acquisition of skills to carry out social relationship
  6. Capacity for abstract reasoning


  1. Summarize the following text.

[World Health Organization… ……………………………………………of global communication?]

Answer: Adolescence is the most important stage for a child to reach adulthood. The mental and psychological attitudes and behaviors of an individual are basically shaped in this very stage. It is also the time of considerable risks during which social contexts exert powerful influences. So adolescents should be taught about the very issues related to adolescence so that their physical, mental and psychological development can be smoother.


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