The graph represents how the number of internet users has increased between 2017 and 2022. At first glance, the number of internet users has increased more than three times at a 5-year interval.
According to the graph, in 2017 the number of internet users was 25 million. The number reached thirty million in 2018. This rising trend continued and in 2019 it was forty million. Another 15 million internet users were noticed next year and the internet users were fifty-five million. A sharp rise was noted in the year 2021 when the number of internet users became 75 million. 20 million new internet users started using the internet this year. The year 2022 also traced another 20 million internet users and the number increased to 95 million. So, it is clearly visible that the number of internet users has increased from moderate to significant one with the passage of time. Thus it is expected that the significant number of internet users will continue to increase every year in the near future.
Lecturer, Department of English at  |  + posts

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