Internet is a worldwide spread computer network. It is also called a network of networks. The process of coordinating two or more computers with cable, modem, satellite etc. is called internet. At present, it is the only means of exchanging data through computer networking. It works very easily and rapidly. To get necessary information, one needs to search Yahoo or Google. Internet has a lot of importance. It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce. At present, internet based e-commerce has become very popular all over the world. Because, customers can buy anything without going to market. It also plays an important role in the field of education. Students and teachers can easily get necessary information through internet.They can read any books without going to library. Not only students and teachers but also businesspersons, economists, doctors, politicians and other professionals can be benefited by internet. Internet has some demerits too. Our young generation can easily get pornographic images and videos through internet. As a result, they become addicted to it and thus their moral character is damaged. However, the use of internet in our country is very expensive. Our government should take necessary steps to manage easy access to internet for the people of Bangladesh.

Lecturer, Department of English at  |  + posts

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