Unit-1: Lesson-2: Nelson Mandela

1.  Answer the following questions:

a. Who was Nelson Mandela? What was he famous for?
Ans: Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. He was famous for breaking shackles of apartheid.

b. Why can Nelson Mandela be called “an icon of peace and reconciliation”?
Ans: Nelson Mandela fought against racial discrimination throughout his life. He focused on the abolishment of apartheid. He always dreamt of a society in which all would live together in harmony and peace. So, Mandela can be called an icon of peace and reconciliation.

c. What dream did Mandela dream throughout his life?
Ans: Mandela’s dream throughout his life was the removal of apartheid of from his country and the establishment of a multi-racial democracy. He also voiced against all kinds of political injustices against humanity.

d. What is the ideal of Mandela? Do you support his ideal? Why/why not? Explain in 2/3 sentences.
Ans: The ideal of Mandela is non-violence movement for establishing justice and aboloishing apartheid around the world.

Yes, I support his idea. Because no armed movement can bring peace and justice in the world. These only can create agitation and repression.

e. Why was Mandela awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
Ans: Mandela was awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for leading the movement for the freedom of South African people in a peaceful way. He established an example of non-violent movement that can reach the target wining the heart of the people in general.

2. Read the following text and make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow chart showing the Rights and Achievements of Nelson Mandela. (No. 1 has been done for you). (Nelson Mandela guided………..respect and human rights.)

1. To establish multi-racial democracy.
2. Fought for justice around the world.
3. Imprisoned for nearly three decades.
4. Advocated on human dignity.
5. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
6. Elected as first black president.

3. Summarize the following text.
(Mandela went on to…….he told the court)

Mandela is the world’s most revered public figure who inspires the struggle against injustice and racial oppression. His views as expressed in all his speeches can be accepted as an epitome of human right that leads the world to the path of harmony and equality. Mandela fought for South Africa to make her free from the bondage of white domination and ultimately reached his goal leaving an example for the word people. What he did and how he led the fight against white minority will remain as an inspiring instance for the people to come.

Lecturer, Department of English at  |  + posts

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