Food is one of the basic needs of human life. It helps human beings to grow up and ensures to survive on earth. It is called human fuel. Unfortunately, these life leading foods are being adulterated indiscriminately. Vegetables, fruits, fishes, oil, milk, milk products, baby foods are mainly being adulterated daily. There are many reasons for food adulteration. The prime cause of food adulteration is the endless greed of the immoral and dishonest businessmen. Human life is less valued to their profit. Many food and beverage industries use poisonous chemicals to keep food fresh look, longer-lasting, and high profit. Through many types of research and surveys, it is found that most of the foods are being adulterated randomly which contain harmful substances like DDT, Aldrin, formalin, Chlordane, etc. All adulterated foods are very detrimental to our health and life. It leads to death. Taking adulterated foods people have to be the victim to many serious diseases like cancer, kidney failure, liver damage, heart diseases, headache, high blood pressures, etc. So, it is imperative to stop food adulteration at any cost. Though our government has already taken some positive steps, it is not sufficient. A monitoring cell has to be formed to monitor the food manufacturing, wholesale, and retail sales sections. Dishonest businessmen should be identified and punished. After all the govt. law enforcement agencies, mass media, and common people have to work through a concerted effort to solve the issue.

Lecturer, Department of English at  |  + posts

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