Helping the gypsy children with learning.

River gypsies are an ethnic group of people in Bangladesh. They are known as the bedey in Bangladesh. The gypsies have their own lifestyle and culture. They live in groups and do not own any land. Therefore, they live a nomadic life, traveling from one place to another by boat. The gypsy children are born and brought up on roaming boats. Therefore, they can not go to conventional schools. They do not have opportunities to learn. We can help the gypsy children to learn. At every point where they travel, we can make a camp for their learning. We can also make an organization where some volunteers run special schools on boats. After forming school I will involve myself as well as my friends to teach the gipsy children. We will make several plans about our teaching techniques. We will visit them every Friday by boat. At first we will talk with their parents and tell them about the importance of education and the bright future of their wards. We decied that if they come forward to educate their children, we will give them some money as well as foods so that they can agree to teach their wards. As education is the basic human rights, so we will try our level best to teach the gypsy children.

Lecturer, Department of English at  |  + posts

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