Completing Story -“Unity is Strength”.- Tejgaon College

Once there was an old farmer who had three sons. The sons always quarreled among themselves and got separated. The old man was very unhappy. Soon he fell ill. They could always quarreled with one another. One day the old farmer called his sons to bring some sticks and tied them in a bundle. He […]

Paragraph- My favourite personality

My favorite personality is my mom. My mother and I have a special bond that makes me admire her more than she knows. She was always there for me and I want to be there for her too. She possesess some qualities such as: generosity, ambition, and happiness. My mother is generous because every morning when […]

Paragraph- Food Adulteration. – Tejgaon College

Food is one of the basic needs of human life. It helps human beings to grow up and ensures to survive on earth. It is called human fuel. Unfortunately, these life leading foods are being adulterated indiscriminately. Vegetables, fruits, fishes, oil, milk, milk products, baby foods are mainly being adulterated daily. There are many reasons […]

Right form of verbs- এর সহজ নিয়ম। – Tejgaon College

Right form of verb বলতে কি বুঝায়? কোন sentence-এর verb বা verb গুলোর সঠিক রুপ (form) কি হবে, তা যে রুলস (rules) বা নিয়মের মাধ্যমে জানা যায়, সে নিয়মগুলোকেই সাধারণভাবে right form of verb বলে। Rule-1কোন sentence-এর subject যে number ও person-এ হবে, সেই sentence-এর verb-ও ঠিক সেই অনুযায়ী হবে। অর্থাৎ sentence-এর ‍subject-টি singular বা plural হলে […]

Sentence Connectors – এর সহজ নিয়ম। Tejgaon College

Sentence Connectors Connect অর্থ যুক্তকরা | Connector অর্থ যুক্তকারী | Connectors বলতে ঐ শব্দ বা শব্দসমষ্টি কে বুঝায়, যেগুলো কোন কিছু সম্পর্কে লেখার সময় এর ধারণাকে ধারাবাহিকভাবে সংযুক্ত করে ভাষাকে সুসংহত করে । যেমন – I know the girl who has come here. Sentence Connectors Connect অর্থ যুক্তকরা | Connector অর্থ যুক্তকারী | Connectors বলতে ঐ শব্দ […]

Paragraph – A book fair that you have visited. Tejgaon College

 A fair is a collection of various things for entertainment arranged in stalls on a large open ground where a huge number of people gather and enjoy themselves. In other words, a fair can be defined as an exhibition of different types of products. Recently, I have visited a fair. It was the book fair […]

Paragraph – Tree Plantation/ Importance of tree plantation. – Tejgaon College

Tree plantation means planting trees more and more. Trees are an important element of our environment. They are useful in many ways. They inhale carbon-di-oxide and exhale oxygen. oxygen is essential for animals and human beings. They also supply a great deal of food by providing fruits and vitamins. They supply timber which is used […]

Paragraph – Adolescence – Tejgaon College

Adolescence refers to the phase in human growth and development that occurs after childhood and before adulthood. It represents one of the critical transitions in one’s life span. It is characterized by fast paced growth and change. There are also some changes and developments in biological process of the body in adolescence. The time of […]

Modifier – এর নিয়ম শেখো সহজে- Tejgaon College

★Modifier কী ? যে সকল Word বা phrase, noun কে modify করে অর্থাৎ noun বা pronoun– এর সঙ্গে একটি বিশেষ অর্থ যোগ করে তাকে modifier বলে। ★Modifier দুই প্রকারঃ1: Pre-Modifier2. Post-Modifire Pre শব্দের অর্থ পূর্বে অর্থাৎ যে সকল Word বা Phrase Noun এর পূর্বে বসে Noun কে Modifie করে তাকে Pre-Modifier বলে। Post শব্দের অর্থ […]

Paragraph- Our College Library. – Tejgaon College

Generally A college library is a library where lots of books on different subjects are kept. In a library, the students and the teachers of a college can read books. They can borrow books from the college library too. It provides the students with books which are very essential for their study. A college library helps […]