HSC-Amerigo, a street child.-Tejgaon College

Amerigo, a Street Child Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. (a) What could be the closest meaning for ‘alone’ in the first sentence? (i)  full of eagerness (ii) lonely  (iii) mixture of metals (iv) attract (b)  The word ‘beg’ in line 3 refers to_____. (i) a beggar   (ii) snatch away  (iii) ask for something  […]

HSC- Fitness-MCQ, Q/A, Flow Chart & Summary.-Tejgaon College

Unit-3, Lesson-4- Fitness Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. (a) What does the word ‘awareness’ mean in the line 01? (i) ignorance     (ii) disregard  (iii) unconsciousness      (iv) consciousness (b)  The word ‘harmony’ means (i) discord         (ii) cacophony             (iii) hatred                 (iv) tranquility (c) The word ‘concentration’ is synonymous with—- (i) division         (ii).  parting             (iii) attention                   […]

HSC Paragraph-Globalization.-Tejgaon College

Globalization is a multifaceted process that has reshaped the world, breaking down barriers and fostering interconnectedness among countries and cultures. It refers to the increasing integration and interdependence of economies, societies, and cultures on a global scale. Advancements in technology, particularly in communication and transportation, have played a significant role in accelerating globalization. The Internet, […]

HSC Exercise on Completing Sentences.-Tejgaon College

Question-04: Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases 1.(a) We are late. The class will start soon. Walk fast lest———–. (b) There goes a proverb that——–, so, We must make proper use of time. (c)  The Condition of Mitu’s father was not well. If I knew his mobile number,———– (d)   Though Bangladesh is a small country, […]

HSC Text Poems’ themes.-Tejgaon Collage

Amidst killer speeds, I stand- Unit-2, Lesson-3(2) Poem- The Traffic Police The theme of the poem is the sense of duty and responsibility of traffic police. The poet says the life of the traffic police is in jeopardy when he is on the road. Still, he performs his duty with utmost care and sincerity. The […]

HSC – Sentence Connectors.-Tejgaon College

Sentence Connectors Rules Connectors  ইংরেজি গ্রামারের একটি টাফ টপিক। Conjunctions ও Adverbs  এর উপর ভালো আইডিয়া না থাকলে পরীক্ষায় Connectors পারা যায় না। এছাড়া Connectors করতে হলে ইংরেজি বাক্যের অর্থ জানা আবশ্যক। আমাদের দেশের বেশিরভাগ ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা ইংরেজিতে দুর্বল হওয়ার কারণে ইংরেজি বাক্যের অর্থ করতে পারে না।  ফলে তাদের জন্য Connectors করা  অসম্ভব হয়ে পড়ে। তাই আজ আমি ঐ সমস্ত দুর্বল ও ইংরেজি না পারা ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য Conjunctions   in English grammar ও  Sentence connectors rules নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। তাহলে প্রথমে Conjunctions   in […]

HSC Unit-6, Lesson-1-

Unit-6, Lesson-1: The Storm and Stress of Adolescence Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. (a)  What does the phrase ‘life span’ mean in the passage? (i) The birth of a person                                (ii) The way a person leads his/ her life (iii) the daily routine of a person      (iv) the length of time for which […]

HSC Most Important Rearrange.-Tejgaon College

Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.[Dhaka Board-2019] (i) All the servants were called and interrogated. (ii) In order to find out the thief, the judge chalked out an intelligent plan. (iii) Once a gold necklace was lost from a rich man’s house. (iv) The servants were summoned to the court but they […]