Unit-1: Lesson-1: The Unforgettable History

1.   Answer the following questions:

a. What is unforgettable history?
Ans: The history of the war of independence with special reference to 7 March 1971 speech is an unforgettable history.

b. How can a country get economic, political and cultural freedom?
Ans: A country can get economic, political and cultural freedom if the democratically elected representatives of the country work properly in the Assembly and create an effective constitution for the country.

c. What is six- point movement and what compelled the speaker to launch the six-point movement?
Ans: The movement which is based on six-points against the then government of Pakistan is called six-point movement. And that the speaker and his party could not form a government despite being the victors in the elections of 1954 compelled him to launch the six-point movement in 1966.

d. We could not form a government.”-What does the sentence imply?
Ans: The sentence “We could not form a government” implies that Bangabandhu’s party was the victor in the elections of 1954 but he could not constitute government with his elected political representatives.

e. “People of Bangladesh want to be free.”-Explain the line in context of the passage.

Ans: Though Awami League won in the General Election of 1970, they could not form the government. The Pakistani rulers brutally ruled us, enslaved us, oppressed us and deprived us of our rights. But in 1971, the people of Bangladesh wanted freedom and started to fight for their right and for their freedom.  

f. Do you know the period mentioned as the ‘twenty-three tragic years’? Why was the period termed as tragic? Explain in your own words.
Ans: Yes, I know the period mentioned as the ‘twenty-three tragic years’. It was the period between 1947 and 1970. The period was termed as tragic because after division of the sub-continent in 1947, we fell under the rule of Pakistani rulers who ruled us with utmost exploitation, oppression and tyranny.

2. Read the following text and make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow chart showing the historical background of the emergence of Bangladesh. (No. 1 has been done for you). (The history Bengal………..elections have taken place)

1. Shedding blood on the highways
2. Shedding blood in 1951
3. Winning the election in 1954
4. Declaring Martial Law in 1958
5. Launching the six-point movement in 1966
6. Killing the political workers on 7 June
7. Falling Ayub Khan in 1969
8.  Taking over power bu Yahya Khan
9. Promising of giving constitution
10. Promising of restoring democracy
11.Taking place of election

3. Summarize the following text.
(The history Bengal…….Mr. Bhutto instead)

Bengal ha bloodstained history. We shed blood in 1952. Despite winning in the election of 1954, we failed to form a government. Ayub Khan enslaved us and our demands in 1966 were not satisfied. Even in 1969 on the fall of Ayub Khan our fate did not change. Many unexpected things happened after Yahya Khan had assumed the ruling power. 

Lecturer, Department of English at  |  + posts

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