Dear Ozana,
I hope this letter will find everybody at home in the best of health and happiness. I am well here. I know we are passing very crucial time due to corona virus pandemic. But I hope that there is still a road to go ahead, it may be curvy and slippery but it will lead us to reach our destination.

Please take care of yourself at all times to prevent getting infected. Remember taking care of yourself first is your ethical responsibility to prevent yourself, your family and members of your society from this pandemic.

If you follow all these precautions as suggested below, you can avoid getting infected.
a. Wear a musk at all times after leaving home.
b. Frequent hand-washing with soap and water at least 20 seconds is a must.
c. Maintain at least 2 metre social distance at home as well as outside.
d. Eat only freshly cooked high protein meals at homes.
e. Please stay away from outside food completely.
f. Keep yourself well hydrated.
g. Please don’t hide information about your travel as if you have come in contact with a positive corona virus case.
h. Keep on doing yoga, meditation and prayers at home.
i. Be little more giving to people who are less privileged than you.

I hope you will follow these guidelines to safe and sound.


Lecturer, Department of English at  |  + posts

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